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Nepean Christian School Retaining Walls

Extent of wall

Our client was initially engaged by the Nepean Christian School to construct a high gravity mass retaining wall of approximately 100m in length and 3.6m in height, constructed of large sandstone blocks backfilled by gabion-like loose fill.


Teleo provided a design check of the wall against the standard to confirm its capacity, as well as plan and cross sections of a typical wall for the range of heights to be supported.


A second stage of works required another retaining wall of around 74m in length and to a height of up to 6m. As with the first stage, this wall was to be constructed of large sandstone blocks however the design was to incorporate a curved arch at its highest point.


The arched curve allowed for an optimised design, with reduced the overall sandstone requirements and a subsequent cost saving for the school.


Teleo is proud to have completed further design verifications and certifications for our client on a number of subsequent developments and structures.

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