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Bell River Pedestrian Bridge, Wellington NSW


Teleo Design was engaged by Dubbo Regional Council to construct, supply and install a replacement to the existing pedestrian bridge, which had been deemed unsafe and remained closed to the public for a number of years.


The bridge was an integral connection for the community, linking the Wellington CBD (via Cameron Park) to other recreational facilities including Pioneer Park, Wellington Showground and Mt Arthur Recreation Reserve.


Designed with consideration for the heritage significance of the site, and a review of all environmental factors, the 41.5 metre truss arch bridge was manufactured off site with a view to incorporating and celebrating historic elements of the existing bridge.


The bridge is constructed of steel and FRP Mini Mesh Grating decking, ensuring good grip in all weather conditions.


Teleo also constructed a ramp style entry and exit on the Pioneer Park side to meet Australian standards for accessibility and built above the 1 in 100 year flood level to reduce the potential for damage.


Construction of the bridge was completed between 3 flood events for the river. The methodology of construction minimised delays by the flood events.

Teleo worked closely with local contractors for all civil to works, ensuring a local presence for any minor site management issues. Manufacture of the steelworks was completed using regional manufacturers.

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